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Two Villas On Ishigaki Island/石垣島二棟のヴィラ

▫︎Project name: Two Villas On Ishigaki Island
▫︎Location:1022-1 Miyara, Ishigaki-shi, Okinawa, Japan
▫︎Architect: Joe Chikamori/07BEACH
▫︎Official name of the facility: Ishigaki Hills®
▫︎Client: DTAC Inc.
▫︎Contractor: Fine Life Company Ltd.
▫︎Construction type/structure: New built/wood
▫︎Site area:1017.35sq.m.
▫︎Building area: West bldg. 119.54sq.m., Eest bldg. 102.71sq.m., East Outbuilding 16.64sq.m.
▫︎Gross floor area: West bldg. 133.29sq.m., Eest bldg. 106.70sq.m., East Outbuilding 13.40sq.m.
▫︎Designing period: Jan.2022 – Dec.2022
▫︎Construction period: Nov.2022 – May.2024
▫︎Structural Design: Kuroiwa Structural Engineers Co., Ltd.
▫︎Lighting Design: DAIKO
▫︎Photographs: Joe Chikamori

The two vacation rental villas stand on a hill on Ishigaki island, overlooking the sea, located in the center of the Yaeyama Islands in Okinawa.
It was designed from the initial stage to have typical features of architecture in Yaeyama islands as an accommodation facility for tourists, and the outline of the island-style was created by referencing a form of traditional houses with a wooden structure with high openness, a red-tiled roof, stone wall and Fukugi trees surrounding the site.
A garden was placed on the seaside and the two buildings are placed on the remaining roadside, facing straight to the front road, which is the best way in line with the local architectural culture to show the roofs beautifully, in contrast to the walls hidden behind trees.
The two buildings have a unified design, but as facilities to be used individually,
the flow lines and the privacy were designed.
The west building has a stone-paved floor that continues from the outside to allow bicycles to enter, and is slightly larger than the east building, with the concept of allowing a large group to stay actively, while the east building has a raised floor level with a wooden finish like an ordinary house, with the concept of allowing a family to stay in a relaxed way.
While the trees and the stone walls block the view from the roadside for both buildings, once inside the premises, the fully open elevation connects the view from the road to the sea.
The plan was made to create a sense of connection between the various places created, such as the garden and the interior, the bedroom and the living room.
In designing individual elements, while actively using local materials and techniques, showcasing such familiar materials in a way that brings out new charm was aimed.
Taking traditional houses as a general framework, on the other hand, each element was carefully designed with a contemporary sense, with the hope that these accumulation will create a quality lodging experience.

▫︎プロジェクト名: 石垣島二棟のヴィラ
▫︎物件所在地: 沖縄県石垣市宮良1022−1
▫︎設計者: 近森 穣/07BEACH
▫︎施設正式名称: IshigakiHills®
▫︎施主: 株式会社DTAC
▫︎施工者: ファインライフ・カンパニー株式会社
▫︎工事種別/構造: 新築/木造
▫︎敷地面積: 1017.35m2
▫︎建築面積: 西棟119.54m2, 東棟102.71m2, 東棟離れ16.64m2
▫︎延床面積: 西棟133.29m2, 東棟106.70m2, 東棟離れ13.40m2
▫︎設計期間: 2022.1月~2022.12月
▫︎施工期間: 2022.11月~2024.5月
▫︎構造設計: 株式会社 黒岩構造設計事ム所
▫︎照明設計: 大光電機株式会社
▫︎写真: 近森穣



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